In April 2014 longtime editor-in-chief Andrew McChesney stepped down and was replaced by Nabi Abdullaev, a former Moscow Times reporter, news editor, managing editor, and deputy editor-in-chief who had left in 2011 to head RIA Novosti's foreign-language news service.
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It was forced offline a second time in February 2015 for unknown reasons. In December 2014, The Moscow Times was forced offline for two days by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. In January 2014, malicious ads on the newspaper's website redirected visitors to an exploit kit landing page. In 2010, The Moscow Times began to publish in colour and launched the Travel Guide and Bar Guide projects. The paper celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2012 with a gala dinner at the Hotel Baltschug Kempinski in Moscow. In 2009, it published Russia for Beginners: A Foreigner's Guide to Russia, written by foreign authors who offer advice based on their own experiences of living in Russia. In 2006, the paper began its alliance with the International Herald Tribune, while 2009 saw the launch of the website. That year, Independent Media was acquired by the Finnish publishing group Sanoma at an enterprise value of €142 million. Petersburg Times ( The Moscow Times' counterpart in Saint Petersburg) and Russian-language versions of popular glossy magazines such as FHM, Men's Health and Cosmopolitan Russia. Until 2005, the paper was owned by Independent Media, a Moscow-registered publishing house that also prints a Russian-language daily newspaper, Vedomosti, The St. The annual Moscow Dining Guide was also launched in 2005. In 2003–2004, the newspaper added Jobs & Careers and Real Estate appendices, and in 2005 the Moscow Guide appendix, featuring high culture. įrom the mid-1990s until 2000, it was based in the old headquarters of Pravda. Published the next day in English in The Moscow Times, their articles were quickly picked up and beamed back in Russian by the BBC and other foreign radios, defeating the censors. The writers of those articles came to see us. Russian newspapers came out with large blank spaces on their front pages where articles critical of the authorities had been suppressed. When anti- Yeltsin forces occupied the Russian Parliament and censorship was revived. For example, in the fall of 1993, it was able to play a role in defeating the censors:

It "played an important role by giving space to Russian commentators". It was the first Western daily to be published in Russia, and quickly became "a primary source of news and opinion" quoted in both Russia and the West. The first edition of The Moscow Times was published in March 1992. At the time, they were the only ones with money in Moscow, so The Moscow Times was an interesting medium for advertisers". He said: "It was a completely different time, there was no internet and there was a huge influx of Western expats who didn't speak Russian. The Moscow Times was founded in 1992 by Sauer to reach US and European expats who had moved to Moscow after the fall of communism. Sauer brought in Meg Bortin as its first editor in May 1992, and the team used a room at the Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel as its headquarters. History Founding ĭerk Sauer, a Dutch publisher who came to Moscow in 1989, made plans to turn his small, twice-weekly paper called the Moscow Guardian into a world-class daily newspaper. Some American foreign correspondents started their careers at the paper, including Ellen Barry, who later became The New York Times Moscow bureau chief.

In 2022, its headquarters were relocated to Amsterdam in the Netherlands in response to restrictive media laws enacted in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. The newspaper became online-only in July 2017 and launched its Russian-language service in 2020. In November 2015 the newspaper changed its design and type from daily to weekly (released every Thursday) and increased the number of pages to 24. The newspaper was popular among foreign citizens residing in Moscow and English-speaking Russians.
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It was in print in Russia from 1992 until 2017 and was distributed free of charge at places frequented by English-speaking tourists and expatriates such as hotels, cafés, embassies, and airlines, and also by subscription. The Moscow Times is an independent English-language and Russian-language online newspaper.